6 gift ideas for art and travel lovers.

December 5, 2013Stories - about travel

One final thing I was grateful for this Thanksgiving was the community of writers and artists I have become a part of, scattered though we are across the globe. The friends I have made are wondrously talented and are a constant source of inspiration to me.

If you’re here via the New York Times…

July 26, 2013Stories - about travel

It’s been almost two months now since I first got the email, asking if I’d like to chat about my sketches for a story on travel blogging. I was not only ridiculously excited to head to New York for the interview, but also immensely honored.

Hey ya harmony: Love song to Nusa Penida.

November 2, 2012Stories - about travel

And, really, couldn’t much the same be said of harmony in travel? Not only staying aware of what notes a place is striking, but conscious of the notes in your own journey as well – two melody lines, two journeys, one beautifully agreeing arrangement.