Diwali Celebration with Fireworks

Diwali was supposed to be quiet.

Well, obviously not that quiet given the extraordinary amount of fireworks that are set off, but quiet enough.

“It’s a family holiday,” my friend Nambi told me as I headed towards the southern city of Chennai to spend the festival with his family. “Most of the celebrations take place inside the home.”

So imagine my surprise when I was informed by his uncle and aunt–whom I affectionately took to calling Uncle and Auntie–that after our own morning festivities, we would be heading south to another uncle’s house in a new gated apartment complex outside of Chennai. For a community celebration of over a hundred families. Of which I was to be their guest of honor.

“Guest of what?”

“You are to be their guest of honor,” Uncle repeated. “They have made many special arrangements for you. Since yesterday they have been asking when you are to arrive.”

Even as I wanted to protest and declare my complete and utter inadequacy for such a role, I also couldn’t help but laugh at the situations we sometimes find ourselves in. So despite a 3:30am wake-up call on Diwali and the many morning festivities, it seemed our day had only just begun: 

12.30pm: Will you mehndi me?

Mhendi to celebrate Diwali

Mhendi to celebrate Diwali

Mhendi to celebrate Diwali

Mhendi to celebrate Diwali

4.00pm: Of songs and ceremonies.

Songs to celebrate Diwali

Songs to celebrate Diwali

Songs to celebrate Diwali

Puja Ceremony to Celebrate Diwali

Puja Ceremony to Celebrate Diwali

7.00pm: Going out with a bang.

Fireworks for Diwali Celebration

Fireworks for Diwali Celebration

Fireworks for Diwali Celebration

Fireworks for Diwali Celebration

8.00pm: Give me something good to eat.

Food to celebrate Diwali

Food for Diwali Celebration

By the time we headed home that night, our Diwali celebration had been going for nearly eighteen hours…needless to say, we all slept well that night.

Huge thanks to the wonderful families of Estancia–you made me feel so welcome and I’m so glad to have been able to spend Diwali with you. Best wishes for the new year!


  • Hey Partner, how was your guest of honour role? did u ve to give a speech and dress up in a Sari

    • PARTNER! Miss you heaps, my friend 🙂 Saw your website/event page about the wedding….so excited for you! Not long to go now…so wish I could divert my flight home through Nigeria for a couple of days, haha. My role was great–so fun to be a part of their celebration. I was actually out of the room when they introduced me to the whole group, so I missed having to give a speech! And I wore an Indian outfit–not quite a sari, but still dressy 🙂

    • Yes! Will send/post some pics soon 🙂 I love having it on…it’s like you get to become a work of art. Only unfortunate thing is that wearing mosquito repellent every day makes it go away much faster…a necessary evil, though, I suppose. Hope you’re well, my friend!

  • Dear Canadace, very good after noon. Only to day NAMIBI forwarded the DEEPAVALLI Pictures to me. Very nice ,
    Thank you for all your wishes.

    R.Mathialagan, ESTANCIA

    • Hello! It’s wonderful to hear from you 🙂 Thank you again for hosting me on Deepavalli last year, I had such a nice time with your family and the entire Estancia community. I hope you and your wife are well, please give her my best wishes! All the best, hope to see you again in Chennai sometime soon.

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